Monday 14 September 2009

Don't Need Nothing But A Good Time...

Fee took me out! Out for the night, we went away to Chongqing - the big city!

We stayed at a place called Tina's Hostel, which had the most comfortable beds ever ever ever...much more comfortable than my shelf in Fee's apartment.

Tina's Hostel
Originally uploaded by G.Man Travels

However...she is making me a quilt and pillow, and i think i see some clothing being made as well! That's good because Hechuan had rain last night, so its cooled down a lot, i think i might get a bit chilly being nakey soon...

We went out for the night, and i spent time with the teacher crew - from L-R, Phoenix, Mat, Pete, Lilly, Carolina and Alison.

Me and the crew
Originally uploaded by G.Man Travels

Fee thinks she might have been bitten by a spider...i hope its not hanging about on my shelf!! I don't want spider bites! I don't like spiders! I like cockroaches even less...but we think that they've been eliminated now. There were a couple that went in the bathroom after Fee...and they keeled over and whatever it is that Fee did must have been bad!

Friday 4 September 2009

Leaving...On a Jet Plane

Travelling edit
Originally uploaded by G.Man Travels
Fee kept me in the samepocket as her boarding passes, so i grabbed a snap when she fell asleep heehee.

China's hot, and somewhere along the way i lost my earring, so Fee's got to replace it soon.

It is really hot here, and i'm quite glad that although she's got the stuff for my clothes, she hasn't made them yet. It's quite nice being a nakey Gman at the moment. I'm living on a shelf in her apartment bedroom. The apartment's nice, but i keep seeing bugs nearly as big as me (i may be exaggerating here)!! She's killed one, she's much braver than me.

She's got a housemate called Lilly, who i have met, she's very nice, she's irish.

Fee, Lilly and the boys went to play Ping Pon today with Sawyer, a Chinese student who has been bringing her food.

We're in quarantine at the moment. We arrived on Monday, so Fee's really hoping that she'll be able to go out of the campus tonight! She only got internet access today, so she's been going a bit crazy, she calls it Cabin Fever...i hope its not like swine flu...

I am well, but i had to get her to reshape my stuffing when we got here, it was a long journey wrapped round her MP3 player in the pocket. She's got some good music on there!

I want to get out and explore! I don't think i have swine flu...i don't think its something that's passed from humans to Gingerbread Men yet.

She's got me some friends- there's Dopey, and there's Baby Verball. Baby Verball is a bit scary and talks to her through the computer...she speaks, and it answers in a chinese accent! She says she's talking to someone called Susan, but i'm not convinced...i think that Baby Verball might be possessed...